Why Should You Have An Up-to-date Employee Handbook

Employee handbooks are documents that all employees at a company should receive, often on their first day. They are designed to cover everything a new hire needs to know to get started at their job. At times having an employee handbook isn’t something most businesses think about until there’s a pressing need. Whether you’re attempting to address an office culture issue or interested in building one as a foundational element, crafting an employee handbook requires preparation and thoughtfulness.

While there is no law requiring you to have a handbook, there are many laws requiring employers to notify employees of certain workplace rights. That said, plenty of companies choose to create one because a handbook can be useful in mitigating conflict among employees within the company. It’s important for you to keep your employee handbook current and up to date, but it can also be quite challenging since employment law changes often change at a rapid pace.

Beyond solving employee or culture issues, employee handbooks can also help new employees feel at home in their new environment. Learning about a company’s mission and core values can increase employee engagement and loyalty. It is also a useful resource for employees to check dress codes, PTO policies, parking recommendations, etc. to help them feel acclimated to the company culture immediately.

An employee handbook can be incredibly useful in building a positive workplace culture and employee loyalty, but it’s not an easy task to write one.

Most employee handbooks include information on:

  • Company culture, values, and a mission statement
  • Human resource and legal information as well as rights and obligations related to employment
  • Realistic expectations: both what the company expects to see from its employees and what employees can expect from the company
  • Company policies about vacation time, sick days, non-discrimination, etc.

Zinn Insurance can craft an employee handbook unique to your needs or review your current handbook to bring it up-to-date. Contact us today!

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